Thursday, June 2, 2011


I think I'll start negative, I. Don't. Like. Abstract. ART. That's why I don't have one. I DID enjoy the mask molds and had fun with that. I also liked the lightbulb sculpture and my knot monster I made for art fair. I believe that my concept of art was opened slightly with the nature segment but most likely will not have the creation of art be a big part of my future. 'das 'eet.

NATURE (Natural Architectural Turpentine Uranium Retroactive Everything)

 Nature stuff made cool and stuff. Yeah...

HAT (Hyper Advanced Titanium)

My little paper/ gameinformer magazine hat.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr. Monocle

I built this guy the first day and I think it was a nice idea, pretty original. He was simple to make, wire, a lightbulb, and cardboard for the stand.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This is my "Paint Box" of Piet Mondrion's painting.
I used acrylic paint and a cardboard box. I started with a paper "color sheet" to tell where all the colors fit together and then used black to illustrate the lines. From there I used yellow, red, white, and blue to fill in the color gaps. The finished product looks pretty decent for a rough copy.